Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dawn Rosary

This morning I woke up at 2:30 in the morning. Prepare myself to go to church. In my 25 years of existence, It was the first time I attended such activity. My mother and I went there and thank Gd we are just on time. They are preparing for the vehicle that will going to used for the procession. By around 4 in the morning procession started, from church to city hall they are singing about blessed virgin. After the rosary we went back to church and hear mass. After the mass, a bunch of pandesal , kakanin and coffee were set for us. That experience is awesome.

1 comment:

Kim, USA said...

Hello!! I missed the dawn rosary. Every morning it passes at our house and it just feel good. And oh by the way a merienda after that makes it a lot of fun. -wink-